The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57856   Message #2231586
Posted By: GUEST,Val
08-Jan-08 - 07:23 PM
Thread Name: Looking For A Harp
Subject: RE: Looking For A Harp
A reasonably comprehensive list of links to various harpmakers & sellers around the world:

The Harplust List

Also, since you're US East Coast, if you can wait until July to make your choice I strongly recommend you think about dropping in on the Somerset Harp Festival . MANY makers will be there so you can try various harps side-by-side, many wonderful performers giving concerts, and some workshops you could benefit from even if you have not yet touched a harp.

They also do "harp tastings". Several different harps are put behind an optically (not acoustically) opaque screen, and one or two professional players will play the same short ditty on each one, identified only by number. "Tasters" may take notes about the sound quality of each. This way each person can make his/her own decision of which harps sound "best" to them (this is very much a subjective thing - what I would describe as "crisp and bright" might strike you as "brittle and clinky", or your "deep & resonant tone" might seem "muddy" to me). After everyone has had a chance to form opinions WITHOUT being swayed by the appearance or price or brand-reputation of an instrument, the specific models are then revealed. (sometimes the "ugly, off-brand" instrument sounds terrific). This is a terrific aid in deciding which model harp you might want to buy.

Have fun on your quest!
