The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107494   Message #2231743
Posted By: Ron Davies
08-Jan-08 - 11:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: So, Who Will Win New Hampshire?
Subject: RE: BS: So, Who Will Win New Hampshire?
It's a great country--if you enjoy self-destructive Democrats--perhaps you do, Rig? As I said earlier, her big plus is supposedly "experience". McCain will eat her for breakfast on "experience".

Obama's strength is "change"--and legions of young people willing to help bring that about. McCain will have nothing to counter that--if Obama is the nominee. If Hillary is the nominee, the Democrats--and all liberals--have big problems.

How can these Democrats not see this?

At least it was close. Hope Obama's young supporters don't get discouraged--he can tell them this is a lesson that you have to pick yourself up and keep going. He could still win South Carolina.

But as I also noted, why the hell didn't Obama and Edwards join forces?--they still can--if Edwards volunteers to be Obama's VP. But he shows no signs of that.

Here we go again with another long bloody, expensive Democratic primary season--unless Hillary sweeps on Super-Duper Tuesday. Which will solve no problem--except McCain's--giving him the opponent the Republicans have always wanted.

Well, Rig says it's a great country, so it must be true--for him, anyway.