The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57856   Message #2231833
Posted By: Bonnie Shaljean
09-Jan-08 - 04:45 AM
Thread Name: Looking For A Harp
Subject: RE: Looking For A Harp
Read again, guys - this thread was revived by Guest (Patricia) at 9:27 on 7th January, and she was enquiring about a specific instrument which she already owned, a five-sided "Harpolute". This is actually a zither* and there's a picture of it in the link I provided.

*Gideon's Harp: The Gideon's Harp (also sold as "Harpolute") is a simple 20-string all-melody zither. It was produced by the Phonoharp Company around 1910-20. Functionally, it is identical to Exhibit No. 2, which dates from several decades earlier.