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Thread #107588   Message #2232100
Posted By: Anne Lister
09-Jan-08 - 11:36 AM
Thread Name: PRS Performing Rights Gestapo
Subject: RE: PRS Performing Rights Gestapo
Just a sideline about the songbook query ... you can also buy copies of playscripts. But if you wanted to put on a performance of the plays in question you have to buy a license to do this, whether or not you're making a profit (hollow laughter there for most drama groups!). It's the way it is. On the other hand (and perhaps this is the analogy for the session/singaround) if you were using scenes from the plays for acting classes then no license fees are payable. So buying the songbook doesn't give you the right to play the songs in public royalty-free any more than buying the playscript gives you the right to put on a production of the play.

From my point of view as a songwriter whose songs have featured in the repertoire of other performers - I have no issue with them being performed in singarounds with no money coming my way. But if they feature in someone's repertoire as a guest (when they are being paid a fee) then I would hope the royalties would come my way. The trouble is, as someone has mentioned earlier, the question of payment in a singaround or session is somewhat complicated, and as the pub would need a licence for music for the session to take place in the first place (surely?) then it shouldn't be an extra cost to the landlord for each and every time it happens. It should simply be the cost of the licence for the pub, covering live music. Unless I've got this wrong, which is entirely possible.

Incidentally, although there are indeed reciprocal arrangements for the payment of royalties internationally I don't think I've ever seen payment for my songs when performed in the US. Did have one payment through from Canada. Once.
