The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107538   Message #2232196
Posted By: Little Hawk
09-Jan-08 - 01:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bobert Throws Hat in the Ring...
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert Throws Hat in the Ring...
You have some great ideas there, Amos. Bravo!

Yes, CarolC would make an excellent Attorney General.

I would try Cheney, Bush, Rumsfeld, and a host of others in the administration for international war crimes. I would also charge a number of people, Karl Rove included, for massive election fraud in 2000...and perhaps in 2004 as well.

And I would imprison them if and when they were convicted.

But aside from that, Bobert, I would not put myself through the hell of being President of the USA (as you suggested) unless I could be guaranteed a fulltime 24 hour a day escort by none less than God's Angels in a phalanx around me...armed with heavenly swords...and with the Archangel Michael at their head.

And I'll tell you why. Because the powers-that-be in the USA Corporatocracy, military and CIA would kill someone like me if he became President.

Make no mistake about it. No earthly power could keep a person like me alive in that office, so there'd have to be Divine help or there'd be no hope of survival. I kid you not.