The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107538   Message #2232439
Posted By: Little Hawk
09-Jan-08 - 04:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bobert Throws Hat in the Ring...
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert Throws Hat in the Ring...
Heh! That's amusing, gnu.

Here's an interesting aside on the (presumed) values and attitudes of men and women. I came across a new book at my local bookstore by Robert Crumb, the (in)famous 60's comic book artist. It purports to be a collection of his "nicer" pictures, as opposed to what he usually does. He explains in the foreword that women normally hate his art because they find it ugly, offensive, and gross. He says that it appears that his natural audience, therefore, is virtually all composed of males. He goes on to say that the new book, containing a sampling of the very few less ugly, offensive, and gross pictures and stories he has done over the years, is therefore being offered as an olive branch to the female gender and people generally who find his usual art a bit hard to take.


Well, I am a male. I have always hated Robert Crumb's art. I mean, just hated it. It makes me want to puke. I find it ugly, offensive, tasteless, and gross. I hate the way he draws people in general, but I really seriously hate the way he draws women! My God...he could hardly make them look less appealing if he tried....he appears to be obessed with women of po-faced, freckle-faced plainness...with bad skin....faces suggesting really dumb teenage underage girls or vacuous sluts of slightly a few more years in age...all with hugely oversized buttocks and legs, very thick ankles and great big feet, crudely shaped limbs, and breasts which are relatively small in comparison in most cases, but which jut out viciously like those pointed bras that Madonna took up in the 80's.

These women serve strictly as passive receptacles for various forms of sudden and 100% casual sexual assault by Crumb's male characters.

The man is sick. He's totally disgusting. His art sucks. It is a degenerate assault upon everything graceful and beautiful that the human race has ever been capable of.

I'm not sure if this says more about me...or about Art Crumb.... ;-)

But I am totally at peace with whatever it says about me. If I had his book here, I would use it for kindling.