The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107538   Message #2232549
Posted By: Bobert
09-Jan-08 - 06:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bobert Throws Hat in the Ring...
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert Throws Hat in the Ring...
Yeah, we'll put that in the platform, LH... But we'll go even further... Seein' as Cuba is full of ol' collectbale 40's and 50's American cars we'll crank up a Department of Cool Cars... And we'll have an office right there in Havana and help the Cuban's move right into updated 80's cars in exchange fir them eyesores...


(Bad, BObert, bad...)

I'm sorry... I juts love ol' cars and, geeze, they gotta bunch of 'um...

Yo, Amos,

Will you make up yer mind between tax policies and snail darters and screech owls??? I mean, there's a vast difference here...

Which reminds me... We gonna have to do something about these friggin' deer... The country is being overrid with the sumabichs... They is everywhere and they breed like flies...

That's one for "Interior", Amos... Got any ideas, other than what we are now doing which is killin' 'um one at a time with our cars???
