The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107538   Message #2232627
Posted By: Bobert
09-Jan-08 - 09:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bobert Throws Hat in the Ring...
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert Throws Hat in the Ring...
Whew, Skivzz... Let me see if I have this right??? All I gotta do is go on TV and sing about bein' at sea and shackin' up with "whores" in every port???

Brillant!!! Why did this strategy escape me??? Yes, yes, yes... Now, all we need is some "whores" who will lie about me shackin' up with them to make it seem, ahhhhh, authentic, right???

Hey, Skinzz... Yer the one with all this expwerience so it shouldn't be no problem comin' (no pun intended) up with the "whores"... Please don't make 'um too uglee... I do have my pride, you know... Plus, I'm in the middle of a campaign... One thing about runnin' fir president is that you don't want to get associated with a danged "whore" that ain't got any teeth... No sir...

Maybe you nedd to get up with jacqui... She is a pro... She'll find me some upstanding "whore", like Juil;is Roberts in "Pretty Woman"... Yeah, that oughtta get us electercated...

Yo, Donuel...

You is a genious, mah man... Mooon rocks is in!!! Folkin A, they is... Hey, like howz anyone gonna know if it came from the moon 'er from yer backyard???

We sell the somabiches that we always hit every time we try to plant a new shrub and we call 'um "moon rocks" and in no time at all we done solt up 'nuff of them moon rocks to end the national debt!!!

Who would have thought that one up???

Not only do we get5 baxck into a surplus but we find folks willin' to help us take them nasty rocks outta our gardens...


You on to this one???

I mean, this is like Cowabunga X 100!!!
