The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107538   Message #2232717
Posted By: Skivee
09-Jan-08 - 11:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bobert Throws Hat in the Ring...
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert Throws Hat in the Ring...
Well, just to give you an idea of the songs I have in mind, I thought I would send along and excerpt from one of Hugill's "Unfortunate Songs Of The Sea". This one is called "A sailor reflects on his life":

I just come home from across the sea
stabbing whales in the place they do dwell
And dropped me hook in a knocking shop
with a one legged whore namma Nell

Her festerin' sisters were covered in blisters
they treated with unguents and gell
She had beautiful teeth, One above, one beneath
But oh, my lord, what a smell

There are twenty more verses, each more tender than those before.
Maybe you could use some version of it for your campaogn theme song?