The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107588   Message #2232777
Posted By: GUEST,Tom Bliss
10-Jan-08 - 04:14 AM
Thread Name: PRS Performing Rights Gestapo
Subject: RE: PRS Performing Rights Gestapo
Hi Jim,

I can see where you're coming from, but I personally don't see it that way.

We've been here before, but I personally believe writers still have exactly the same objectives as those you suggest, as do champions of traditional music. Everyone is hoping that the music they love will be widely appreciated and passed on and around. I don't think many modern 'folk' songwriters do demand permission or direct payment for the use of their songs (though I seem to remember you've told me in the past that I may be wrong about that). But if others are going to make money from the use of those songs - either as performers or as 'promoters' (and here I mean venues that may make money indirectly via door or drinks sales) then most of us would probably prefer to receive whatever percentage society has deemed fair for that activity.

The world has changed, but not necessarily for the worse. All that's happened is that society has decided that there should be some financial reward for our efforts (and don't you think it would have been nice if some of the people you mention had been in line for some dosh back then? I doubt many would have refused it if offered).

The collection of royalties does not in any way restrict the use or enjoyment of the material itself, in fact there's a case for saying that the current system may even assist in the dissemination of folk music, because it allows more people to spend more time making, recording and distributing it.

That said, the issue of whether current PRS collection policy may be having an adverse effect on 'folk music gatherings,' for want of a better catch-all term, is a different matter. It's really separate to the principle of whether it's right for writers, arrangers and performers to be receive recompense for their efforts. I'd suggest that the principle is sound, but that the method, as currently practised by PRS and the like, may be flawed and require improvement.

This thread has thrown up some questions for me, and I'd certainly like some clarification from PRS on what they're up to and why.

If it emerges that what they're doing really is damaging folk clubs and sessions (and further complicating the situation around PELs - on which the jury is now returning) then maybe we need to get motivated.

And if we need to get motivated we have two choices. We can complain to each other here and elsewhere and continue to be ignored, or we can get organised and try to bring pressure to bear through channels that people like PRS would recognise and respect.

Now some might resist such moves as politicising folk music, and indeed it would be a huge shame if emerges that we can't just ramble on as in the past, but sometimes you have to accept the status quo and just get stuck in.

But 'twas ever thus in all matters of human endeavour - and I don't think it has anything to do with generosity of spirit or love of music.
