The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107538   Message #2232896
Posted By: Bobert
10-Jan-08 - 08:53 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bobert Throws Hat in the Ring...
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert Throws Hat in the Ring...
Thanks fir not sharin' the other 20 verses, Skivz... Them two were quite enough... I styill don't think we need a cabinet level department for these songs or the folks who sing them... Maybe some meds, at best, and a comforting ((hug))...

Yo, LH...

I understand yer position on capital punishment and it is consistent with a Bobert administration... We also agree on womenz... I though you had a thing for Hillary... What happened there??? You ain't the love-'um-and-leave-'um type, are you???

Yo, Janie...

'Round here they call any leafy thing that you boil down and eat "salad"... Don't much matter if its beet tops, mustard, kale, swiis chard... They is all very good for ya'... Lotta anti-oxidents and iron and keep you away from the Geritol....

Also, under a Bobert administartion every fast food resturant will be required to serve one green veggie with ever order of fries... Okay, we ain't gonna go as far as our moms did in makin' folks sit in McDonalds until they have eaten the veggie but at least folks is gonna know that they is good for you...

That's 'bout it...

And everyone keep our message in mind, "A little pot in every chicken"...
