The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37169   Message #2233597
Posted By: GUEST,Janice in Western NY State
10-Jan-08 - 10:07 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Sixteen Tons (Merle Travis?)
Subject: RE: Origins: Sixteen Tons (Merle Travis?)
According to Soviet "history," in 1935, Aleksei Stakhanov mined 102 tons of coal in less than 6 hours, 14 times his quota. However, his record would soon be "broken" by his "Stakhanovite movement" followers. On February 1, 1936, Nikita Izotov supposedly mined 607 tons of coal in a single shift. Just a guess, but there must have been lots of songs about these "heroes of Soviet labor." Does anyone know any? And would anyone care to complete these lyrisc? You mine 607 tons and what do you get?...