The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107521   Message #2233774
Posted By: Grab
11-Jan-08 - 07:40 AM
Thread Name: Tech: Recording on Computers
Subject: RE: Tech: Recording on Computers
Thanks Jim Lad (here and on the Acoustica forums). I've signed up for the beta test now, so see what happens. In the section where they ask about your previous experience with software and testing, I've put something to the effect of "12 years as a software engineer, writing software for power stations, cars and mobile phones", so hopefully that'll get me through the technical requirements. ;-)

A PS on the recording requirements. If you're recording for demo or sale, don't forget that you'll need somewhere *quiet* to do this recording. Your spare room might not cut it - not just traffic and people making noise outside, but also central heating and pets/partners/relatives making noise inside.
