The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107588   Message #2233916
Posted By: GUEST, Tom Bliss
11-Jan-08 - 11:22 AM
Thread Name: PRS Performing Rights Gestapo
Subject: RE: PRS Performing Rights Gestapo
Well, you make a powerful point Stallion.

My first question would be to ask whether your man does in fact already have a PRS licence, which of course he should by law.

If you're right that he doesn't, and having to make an application really would be the last straw for the session, then the next step would be to try to convince PRS that there is indeed a golden goose in trouble here.

But they would want facts and figures on similar situations from across the whole UK if they were to rethink their policy. And getting that information would require a dedicated effort by someone with the resources to do it.

I'll think on.
