The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107538   Message #2234197
Posted By: PoppaGator
11-Jan-08 - 04:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bobert Throws Hat in the Ring...
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert Throws Hat in the Ring...
Thanks to Tweed for linking us to that Onion article. My kid brother sent me the same link yesterday and I loved it.

Yeah, I know Mr Jimmy would curb the profanity is real life, if it were really him ~ but that cuss-word-filled rant expresses my feelings quite nicely.

Allow me to confess that I watch way too much TV. There was a significant period of time during which I was totally television-free, way back in college years and afterwards, for almost a full decade, 1965-73. Then I got married, quit traveling around trying to be a musician, took up a day job, and settled into a fixed address where we kept a television set.

Since then, there have been long periods during which boobtoob consumption may have displaced the playing of music in my days and nights. For shame!

More recently, since I bought a cheap little guitar stand and placed it next to my easy chair, I pick up my instrument and play quite often, including during commercials as well as for longer periods during which the Evil Box is actually turned OFF!

While I'm confessing, let me offer the mitigating argument that my TV habit should be considered only a venial sin, not a mortal one. I watch sports, old movies (TCM), Letterman, recycled BBC stuff on PBS, but only a very few current network programs. (I enjoy some of NBC's Thursday "must see teevee" lineup: Earl, 30 Rock, and The Office.) No "reality" crap, no game shows, no cop shows (except an occasional Law & Order rerun marathon), no American Idol, etc.