The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107642   Message #2234287
Posted By: Joe Offer
11-Jan-08 - 06:03 PM
Thread Name: Online Songbook:Put's Original California Songster
Subject: ADD: Good News from Home (from Stone)

Additional Songs

Good News from Home.
Copied by permission of Firth, Pond & Co., Music Publishers, 54 Broadway, New York.

Good news from home, good news for me,
Has come across the deep, blue sea,
From friends that I have left in tears,
From friends that I've not seen for years;
And since we parted long ago,
My life has been a scene of woe,
But now a joyful hour has come,
For I have heard good news from home.

Good news from home, good news for me
Has come across the deep, blue sea,
From friends that I have left in tears,
From friends that I've not seen for years.

No father's near to guard me now,
No mother's tear to soothe my brow,
No sister's voice falls on mine ear,
Nor brother's smile to give me cheer;
But, though I wander far away,
My heart is full of joy to-day,
For friends across the ocean's foam
Have sent to me good news from home.
Good news from home, etc

When shall I see that cottage door,
Where I've spent years of joy before?
'Twas there I knew no grief nor care,
My heart was always happy there;
Though I may never see it more,
Nor stand upon my native shore,
Where'er on earth I'm doomed to roam,
My heart will be with those at home.

Good news from home, good news for me,
Has come across the deep blue sea,
From friends that I have left in tears,
From friends that I've not seen for years.

Put's Original California Songster, page 52

Not in Dwyer/Lingenfelter

Click to play (

[Tune notes by Artful Codger]
The song as given above, "Good News from Home", was written and composed by Patrick S. Gilmore in 1854.
Sheet music [PDF] in the Lester S. Levy Collection.

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