The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107588   Message #2234628
Posted By: stallion
12-Jan-08 - 07:15 AM
Thread Name: PRS Performing Rights Gestapo
Subject: RE: PRS Performing Rights Gestapo
oops, I was going on to say to make it more accessible and less subjective, my view is that a sensible balance has to be struck between overt financial exploitation and recreational use, if the legislation has necessarily to be a "catch all" net then some moderation has to be exercised by the administrators, unfortunately, as has been shown by the implementation of the new licensing laws, this is a rare occurrence. I have a theory (and I maybe way off beam here)that if someone is given powers they use them even if they are not necessary, just because they are there, and, if it is your job, then you have to be seen to be doing it vigorously or you get the sack because it seems the only criteria for a job well done is how much money you make. Also, the PRS exists to collect and distribute cash for it's members and not to encourage and promote music of any kind although one might think they have a vested interest to promote music. I have just deleted a rant on the grounds that it is carping and not at all constructive, I think Tom is a tad optimistic if he thinks PRS members might advise its administrators to omit folk sessions from the licensable activities I doubt it would get enough support and die of apathy.
