The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107675   Message #2234810
Posted By: bubblyrat
12-Jan-08 - 01:43 PM
Thread Name: Public Liability Insurance (UK)
Subject: RE: Public Liability Insurance (UK)
Yes,Backwoodsman, ---I have often wondered about the mental state of our " cousins across the water."I read, fairly recently, the interesting case of the newspaper correspondent ( from, I think,the Daily Telegraph---or was he from the BBC ?? ) who ,on his first day in Los Angeles, or some other hellish place, ventured forth in a hire car, and had to brake suddenly to avoid running over a woman jay-walker with a child. The person (a woman) in the car behind him ,crashed into him and was injured, and SUED him !! The fact that his defence was, obviously, that he had HAD to stop ,in order to avoid killing two people, was rejected---- He had braked suddenly, in order to prevent TWO DEATHS, but was still RESPONSIBLE for the accident involving the car behind him !! And these people are supposed to be protecting us from terrorism !! Um----Thanks guys, but no thanks, to be honest !! We'll be OK ----Really !!