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Thread #107461   Message #2234929
Posted By: Little Hawk
12-Jan-08 - 04:49 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: Amazing Grace. Should We Be Singing it??
Subject: RE: Folklore: Amazing Grace. Should We Be Singing it??
Sounds like an interesting book, Don.

I think the place people always go wrong in their notions about "God" is that they imagine something (or someone) that's separate from themselves, therefore something by defintion that has limits...rather than something limitless which they are a part of, and which everything else is a part of.

They posit a separate God-being, and immediately they have lost the very essence of what God is, in my opinion. I think God is the entire fabric of existence...the planets, energies, creatures, and phenomena are the various tiny fibers that make up the visible, noticeable form OF that universal fabric which is ultimately: one thing. It's a singularity, manifesting in trillions of apparent aspects.

People assume a separation between themselves and (the) God (of their imaginination) which has in fact never occurred, and they run around trying to "fix what ain't broke", fretting about "original sin" and engaging in all sorts of compensatory emotional gyrations to make themselves feel okay about it. Atheists quite rightly object to the more silly extremes of those gyrations, but they've also missed the boat, in my opinion, because they too imagine that very small concept of "God", the separate God-being, which they quite properly find unbelievable...because it IS unbelievable! ;-)

I base this on a lifetime of non-denominational investigation into the various religions and philosophies that are out there. It has left me happily free of religion and full of faith at the same time.