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Thread #101088   Message #2234999
Posted By: Azizi
12-Jan-08 - 06:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Here's the newest example of the Clinton campaign being racial insensitive:

"When I asked Bendixen about the source of Clinton's strength in the Hispanic community, he mentioned her support for health care, and Hispanic voters' affinity for the Clinton era. "It's one group where going back to the past really works," he said. "All you need to say in focus groups is 'Let's go back to the nineties.' " But he was also frank about the fact that the Clintons, long beloved in the black community, are now dependent on a less edifying political dynamic: "The Hispanic voter—and I want to say this very carefully—has not shown a lot of willingness or affinity to support black candidates."
Clinton pollster: Latinos don't like Black leaders
by Hope08
Sat Jan 12, 2008 at 02:37:58 PM PST

Here's an excerpt from that dailykos diary:

" I really think that Clinton's people need to go to a cultural competency lecture. Like a real retreat, where they sit down and talk about how not to offend voters...

Just replace the word white with hispanic:

The White voter—and I want to say this very carefully—has not shown a lot of willingness or affinity to support black candidates.

Does that make it more clear?

I truly believe that this is how the Clinton people view the world. Mark Penn in all his Blackwater/union busting glory says: let's divide us all up into our specific groups and I'll appeal to you on that basis. Latinos don't like Black leaders, well let me talk to you. She'll even tell you you're not illegal, but you can't drive. Poor white person, let me tell you how scary Al-Qaeda is, waiting for a "new guy" to come along so they can blow us all up!

It's sick, it's disgusting, it's a bridge to the past. We need a bridge to the future. Let's elect a leader who is striving to unite us despite our differences not play to our worst instincts. It's no wonder that young people are attracted to his [Obama's] candidacy. This battle to unite the country is not one that will be easily won. I think the tragedy is that the leading Democratic candidate is not even trying.

I just hope that those in the Latino community see beyond this cynical ploy she's going to play in Nevada and soon in California."


Here's a poster's comment from that diary:

"[former Clinton political advisor] Dick Morris called it 2 weeks ago On Fox News he said the Hillary camp would bring out the race card in a subtle way and would try to convince American that the black candidate Barack Obama would be unelectable. He nailed it 2 weeks ago and now we are see sh** come out every day on the Clinton camp bring up the race card."
-illinihusker on Sat Jan 12, 2008


[note I edited the "s" word with the asterisks]


Here's another post from that diary:

"They are wrong anyway...
My husband is from fact he is Aztec...he knows 80% of the Aztec language..and he likes Obama...there are so many kinds of Hispanics...Hispanics from Mexico are a diverse community in and of themselves...look at the brave women of Oaxaca who took over the radio stations and led a civil uprising to get the governor of that state to resign..

They would love Obama.. and there is black blood in Mexico too...and Irish blood and French blood as well as Mayan blood and Chinese I don't know where these people come off painting all Latin people as a homogoneous group..they are not...there are lots of ethnic backgrounds in Mexico...indigenous people all over the world are treated the same, however, they are treated like dogs... se puede

-RubyGal on Sat Jan 12, 2008


["They" here referrs to pollsters. "Si se puede" "Yes We Can" is a Latino activist chant that is also used by the Obama campaign.