The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101088   Message #2235042
Posted By: Bobert
12-Jan-08 - 07:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views on Obama
No, Jeri, mg probably hasn't a clue how hypocritic she sounds in not first standing up ***the*** "swiftboaters who slandered John Kerry... Unless you were on the moon during the '04 election, when BTW, most folks hadn't ever heard of "swiftboaters" or if they had didn't really know much about them, the "Swiftboater for Truth" put the term firmly on the map of consciesness!!!

Yeah, this was the beginning of "swiftboaters' coming into our consciouness and for probably 99% of Americans this was the 1st time they had heard the term... Yeah, the "Swiftboaters for Truth" came out and lied...

Yeah, I'll "step off" when I hear mg, regardless of how many siftboaters she knows, step up and admit that shaming a decorated Vietnam vet by people who ***were not there*** was wrong...

When that occurs I will never, never, never again make it an issue with her... Until then, it reeks of hypocrisy!!!
