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Thread #101088   Message #2235056
Posted By: Azizi
12-Jan-08 - 07:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Here's another dailykos diary about the issue of race in the Democratic primary:

I'm worried
by david mizner
Sat Jan 12, 2008 at 10:16:47 AM PST

"...I'm worried about the turn that the Democratic Primary has taken. The Clinton campaign--trying to push the idea that Obama would be arisky bet in general election--is using language and making claims that are at best racially insensitive. The Obama campaign, in turn--hoping to increase its advantage among blacks in South Carolina and beyond--is exaggerating the extent of the Clinton campaign's trangressions.

This discussion--which has dominated the Primary since New Hamsphire--diminishes the Party. We're parsing surrogates' statements for racial subtext while the war in Iraq rages on and the country slides into a recession. It makes Democrats look ridiculous, like a parody of ourselves.

But the impact is much worse than that, potentially. I'm sure Obama and Clinton don't want to be spending their time making and answering to charges of racism, but in campaigns, demographics are destiny. Clinton does much betterthan Obama among the white working class, meaning that Obama has to do extraordinarily well among blacks to win. The Clinton campaign knows it helps them with working class whites to highlight Obama's blackness, and the Obama campaign knows it helps them with blacks to highlight the Clinton campaign's racial insensitivity.

In my opinion, the best hope for Dems and the country has long been to unite the blacks and whites (and Latinos) of moderate means. Knowing this, the GOP uses racially charges issues--affirmative action, welfare, etc--to peel away working class and middle class whites. Division between blacks and whites helps the GOP--it preserves the GOP--and now we see that very division emerging in the Democratic Primary, of all places. We're doing the Repulicans' work for them..."


Here's a comment that was posted by a reader of that diary which list the Clinton campaign's use of race code:

"Let me refresh your memory.

Clinton campaign staffers/volunteers get caught spreading the muslim email rumor, and one sent to a Dodd staffer.

Billy Shaheen dropped references that the GOP will state Obama sold drugs. That statement outraged the black community. Totally. Which resulted in Clinton apologizing personally to Obama.

Bill Clinton states Obama's campaign is a fairy tale.

Hillary Clinton states that it was the will of LBJ to pass the Civil Rights Bill. Ask Rep. Jim Clyburn of SC how angry he is of THAT ONE, when he was a partcipant of that movement.

Clintons supporter, Attorney General Andrew Cuomo, drops the "shuck and jive" line, but said it was not in reference of Obama.

Former Senator Bob Kerrey, maligns Obama's heritage and his name. And Kerrey is a Clinton supporter.

Now who in the hell is baiting whom here?" ...
-icebergslim on Sat Jan 12, 2008