The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101088   Message #2235076
Posted By: GUEST,lox
12-Jan-08 - 08:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views on Obama

You know one of the best things (among many) about Barack Obama is that he isn't getting sucked into the "race issue", even though realistically he has of course always known that it is a significant factor in the career of any black politician - even in Africa.

He won't bite.

They're trying to poke him, bait him, goad him - but when you look at him he doesn't look like someone in a cage. He looks like he's soaring above all that - it doesn't bother him - and he can see something better in the distance nd he's going to get there. And he makes it seem more important and more interesting.

as we spit at each other down here in the pit, he carries on working to excel as a fully rounded politician and presidential candidate. When people turn round to hear him talk, he is too busy speaking to and fighting for Americans to get drawn in to the big distraction.

Of course the fact that he is black is hugely significant. To pretend otherwise would be naive and patronizing. It is a burden of such complexity and weight that it is testament to his characer that he remains so professional, optimistic, realistic and idealistic despite it.

He isn't president - yet - but he already stands high on the shoulders of his African ancestry as a possible candidate for the position of leader of the free world.

With each dignified, brave and groundbreaking speech that he makes I find myself more and more agog at his strength of character.

Sorry, but if a man is to be judged by his character then boy - you don't need to look any further.

I envy you this opportunity.