The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107461   Message #2235090
Posted By: Slag
12-Jan-08 - 08:46 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: Amazing Grace. Should We Be Singing it??
Subject: RE: Folklore: Amazing Grace. Should We Be Singing it??
Yes, we drag out our definitions of God (i.e. God created in Man's own image). The revelation of God from the Bible is quite different. For one (and especially in regards to Bertram Russell's flip comment) it isn't about evidence but faith. That which is not of faith is sin (hamartia in the koine Greek, "missing the mark") and the wages of sin is death. Spiritual and, sooner or later, physical.

And what you all say is quite acceptable for your discussion, how you perceive God. I have no problem with your ideas and the discussion is interesting. But If you are going to discuss Amazing Grace and Christianity then you have to accept at least the premise of the Christian God, namely Jesus Christ as portrayed in the New Testament. That is the source.

Paul's first letter to the Church at Thessaloniki, chapter 2 verse 13: "For this cause also we thank God without ceasing because when ye received the word of God which ye heard of us, ye received it not as the word of men but as it is in truth, the word of God, which effectually worketh also in you the believe."

"... in you that believe." Which is key. It can be taken as just the words of men and understood as such. Jesus was just a man, a really great guy, a wise teacher, an avatar, a guru, a good deed doer, etc.;   or God! Compare that with Matthew 16:13-17, Peter's confession. It's a matter of belief, not a fact to be proved by logic or a preponderance of the evidence.