The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107588   Message #2235458
Posted By: Tootler
13-Jan-08 - 12:47 PM
Thread Name: PRS Performing Rights Gestapo
Subject: RE: PRS Performing Rights Gestapo
Last night, I was told at one of the folk clubs I go to on a regular basis are to receive a visit from the PRS next month. It will be interesting to see what the outcome is.

And to some points made in the previous post

The market based concept now entrenched in British society is killing any quality of life.

How true. At the moment those who know the price of everything and the value of nothing are in control and unless we start to realise that not everything of value can be expressed in monetary terms, Britain will continue its inexorable slide towards becoming a very nasty, vicious, selfish nation. The actions of some copyright owners need to be seen in this light.

OT, I know, but worth mentioning:

Police unable to save drowning children because they are not trained to do so

A coastguard near here (NE England) resigned last week. He had been reprimanded for "not following proper procedures" when he went to rescue someone who had fallen off a cliff. By all accounts, if he had followed "proper procedures" it is likely that the person he went to rescue would have died. Someone seems to have a warped sense of priorities.