The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107727   Message #2236567
Posted By: Bobert
14-Jan-08 - 08:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: '08 Question for Mudwomenz???
Subject: RE: BS: '08 Question for Mudwomenz???
No, I ain't, Amos.... Doctor tolt me that I was passed that an' to go ahead an shake hands with perfect strangers without no worry 'bout passin' it along...

And watch yer mouth... Gawd don't like no dammits... Gonna get you a one way ride to the the Hot Joint...

You want that??? Talk about global warmin', you ain't seen nuthin' yet as when you get the one way ride... Gawd right there waiting to punch yer ticket, help you on the bus... He'll even put yer bag unner the bus just like they do at the Greyhound...Next thing you know you'll be tryin to make a deal... Any deal... You'll be tellin' the Devil that you "thought his fiddle was the better of the two" when Johnny went up against the Devil in the fiddle contest...

So, that be my advice, ol' Buddy... I'd hate to see the taillioghts on the bus as they dragged yer butt off ot Hell... I'd be cryin' and carryin' on... I'd be a'prayin' fir yer soul... I'd be beggin' the Big Guy to have the bus break down just a few miles outta town...

I sho nuff would...

(Geeze, bobz, this is a womenz thread an here you is sermonizin??? And ain't even sermonizin' day??? Go drenk a beer and shut the folk up...)

Iz sorry, I went somewhere and now I am back...
