The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107767   Message #2237068
Posted By: Little Hawk
15-Jan-08 - 01:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Trying to sell me watches now.... ???
Subject: BS: Trying to sell me watches now.... ???
Among the 30 or more spam emails I get every day...mostly dealing with VIAGRA, penis enlargements, mortgages, pharmaceuticals, and the usual crap like that....I am now receiving several messages a day from several different outfits trying to sell me "Replica Watches", "High quality watches", and so on...

Why????????? From whence cometh this sudden flood of ads for watches? And why to me?

I have not worn a watch or shown any interest in doing so for the last 35 years! I don't want a watch. They bug me.

Did I somehow end up on a consumer list somewhere as someone who wants a new watch? Did someone make a clerical error?

I do not get spam about Winona Ryder or wooden sailing ship replicas or fine keyboards or anything else like that that I actually DO want. It's unjust.

I want something done about it.

They can take their steenkin' watches and put them where the sun don't shine, cos I don't need no steenkin' watches!!!