The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107767   Message #2237383
Posted By: catspaw49
15-Jan-08 - 08:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Trying to sell me watches now.... ???
Subject: RE: BS: Trying to sell me watches now.... ???

The laughs are on you! It was me....Do you hear? ME-ME-ME!!!

I sent them your name and addy and told them you were filthy rich and would buy anything!!! HA!!! It was me!! And why? Because you're a miserable peckerhead, a broke-dick mamalucca of the first order without any redeeming social value!

Just wait til the bowel deodorant ads start coming!!!! Up your ass will have a whole new meaning for you and your hopelessly Canuck ass. Just fuckoff ya' jagov!!!!!

Woody Allen my rosey red ass cheeks.........MWAH-HA-HA.....

You're screwed Dude!
