The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #4110   Message #22374
Posted By: Bill D
26-Feb-98 - 04:20 PM
Thread Name: Methodologies
Subject: RE: Methodologies much as I hate to admit it, you are right about folksong no longer equating to 'traditional' song...I wish that 'folk' were not such a neat, easy label...but like 'gay' it is short and easy to spell and thus functions as a wagon which it is easy to jump on and ride until you get hold of the reins....much easier than building your own wagon and buying horses! And if PP&M were the outer limits, I would have no problem...I can at least see the relationship there. (as a matter of fact, Dick G. DOES exercise some restraint in what goes into the database...he puts in more than I would, but I can certainly live with it..)

as to #3, though, I wonder if you mean 'NO' limits? I presume Max would 'edit' it if it got too far afield (like into bicycle repair), but even now a lot of threads drift pretty far from what I would expect on a page with 'folk music' on the door..(I guess 'urban myths' IS a kind of folklore..*shrug*)