The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107674   Message #2237517
Posted By: GUEST,Suffolk Miracle
16-Jan-08 - 03:58 AM
Thread Name: MacPherson [how to pronounce?]
Subject: RE: MacPherson [how to pronounce?]
I was at school with a Death pronounced Dee Ath and a Kryswon pronounced Shivawn.

When I first started training as a teacher I worked with a woman whose Polish name was pronounced Shay Devits but was spelled with more 'z's than I have ever seen on a page, and little sign of any vowels. She received an absence note from a parent who had made six attempts to spell it, all crossed out, and finally had substituted Dear Teacher.

And for Monty Python fans, let us not forget: No no no, it's spelled, "Raymond Luxury Yacht," but it's pronounced, "Throat Warbler Mangrove".