The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107746   Message #2237809
Posted By: Bobert
16-Jan-08 - 01:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Grammar/Spellin' Nazis at Work...
Subject: RE: BS: Grammer/Spellin' Nazis at Work...
Yeah, John.... Next thing ya' know they'll have a Big Brother Spellcheck blanket over MudKingdom and then all the spellin' will just hunky-friggin'-doorey....

Won't that be nice???

Then someone will come along and put in a Grammer program and if you screw up a comma or a tense then yer post won't get posted... Yeah, you'll get a big "Error" box that instruct you have a bad comma ... 'er whatever you got bad...

Then the next logical step after that in content... Yeah, here you go and pour yer heart out about this or that and hit "submit" and a box will come up that says "Inappropriate Topic" and then a boxing glove will come outta yer pudder screen and punch you in the face....

Yeah, I can juts small this stuff a'comin', folks, so if ya' got danglin' participles on yer mind better dangle the sumabiches while you still can and...

...ahhhhh, LH.... Yer gonna be in heap if trouble down the road so you might wnat invest in a catcher's face mask... I allready ordered mine...
