The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20958 Message #223980
Posted By: TerriM
06-May-00 - 08:16 AM
Thread Name: Music and the mentally handicapped
Subject: RE: Music and the mentally handicapped
And a loud amen to that one,Kevin! I accept there has to be some sort of terminology when you are talking to people unaffected by whatever condition is under discussion as a term of reference but actually the very terms used often mitigate against understanding because the terms of reference are not common to both parties. I have often been referred someone who has "challenging behaviour" to find that they just get angry sometimes, just, in fact, like anyone else.These terms are bandied around professional circles like they mean something when in fact they are simply a good opt out from saying' I don't understand whats going on with this person,' ( the accent should be on person).