The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107800   Message #2240370
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
19-Jan-08 - 11:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: Nevada Caucus Snafu
Subject: RE: BS: Nevada Caucus Snafu
To bore you with more Nevada trivia-
Over 50% of the farms are from 1-99 acres. Very small yields posted.
Reason- Retirees buy small acerages and perhaps raise a small crop, which they sell to neighbors. The property gets listed on tax rolls as farm land rather than recreational. These former city folk get away with it because they bring money into the area.
The same stunt works here, with a little quarter section I bought for fun. A friend has a similar property, he built an arena, hires it out to a horse trainer, raises a little hay to keep the place trim, and qualifies as a farmer with very low taxes. He runs a consultancy as a business and makes a good income.