The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107884   Message #2240988
Posted By: GUEST,Dani
20-Jan-08 - 10:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: In Memory: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Subject: RE: BS: In Memory: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Thank you for the idea of people as 'tourists', Azizi. You have a wonderful way with words.

I agree with you wholeheartedly on the shallowness of some attempts at 'inclusiveness' when it comes to recognizing some of the cultures that make us up as Americans. There are some things that have become ugly and meaningless shadows of themselves, in a way that makes me distinctly un-proud to belong to the so-called Melting Pot: things like St. Patrick's Day, Mardi Gras, 'holiday' shows at school, etc. When the alternative is experiencing each other in depth, in reality, even in color, why do we settle for meaningless mis-engagement?!

We would do well to remember that there are bad tourists, and good tourists. And it is only by traveling with open eyes and open hearts that you truly see where you are. I think of people travelling to resorts in beautiful, but complicated places, never seeing beyond the facade. Then, think of travel experienced in ways that allow you be truly present in someone else's culture, home, land. The kind that reminds you of the very human things we share and enjoy together, and allows us to celebrate our differences because it's OK to see them, knowing that the very most important things about us connect us.

Let us really BE with each other when we visit, and our times together will be authentic, and worth repeating.
