The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107884   Message #2241009
Posted By: Azizi
20-Jan-08 - 11:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: In Memory: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Subject: RE: BS: In Memory: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Let us really BE with each other when we visit, and our times together will be authentic, and worth repeating..

Dani, thanks for that compliment.

I give it back to you with sincere gratitude for you have expressed what I wanted to say much better than I did.

I borrowed the idea about the tourist approach to multiculturalism from my reading though I don't remember which article or book.
This shallow approach to learning about and/or experiencing different cultures may have been addressed in an article about the book The Ugly American. However, I don't think it was from that book itself.


Here's my list of "be attitudes":
1. be for real {another way of saying "be authentic"}
2. be considerate of other people
3. be open to learning {be curious}
4. be flexible
5. be alert and aware {be safe}
6. be brave {be of good courage}
7. be helpful
8. be healthy
9. be joy full


10. be all you can be {that means keep working on knowing your self and improving your self}

{Thanks to the US army recruitment ads for "be all that you can be"}
