The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107884   Message #2241232
Posted By: Bobert
21-Jan-08 - 09:23 AM
Thread Name: BS: In Memory: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Subject: RE: BS: In Memory: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
I mentioned that Dr. King had some things to say that coule very much apply to the current administration:

From his 1967 book entitled "Where Do We Go from Here: Chaos or Community":

"The large power blocks talk passionately of pirsuing peace while expanding defense budgets that allready bulge, enlarging allready awesome armies and devising ever more devestating weapons. Call the roll of those who sing the glad tidings of peace and one's ears will be surprised by the responding sounds. The heads of all nations issue clarion call for peace, yet the come to the peace accompanied by bands of brigands each bearing unsheathed swords.

The stages of history are replete with chants and choruses of the conquerors of old who came killing in pursuit of peace. Alexander, Genghis Khan, Julius Ceasar, Charlemagne and Napolean were akin in seeking a peaceful world order, a world fashioned after their selfish conceptions of an ideal existence. Each sought a world at peace which would personify his egotitic dreams. Even within the life span of most of us, another megalomaniac strode across the world satge. He sent his blitzk-rieg-bent legions blazing across Europe, bringing havoc and holocaust in his wake. There is grave irony in the fact that Hitler coule come forth, following nakedly agressive expansionist theories, and do it all in the name of peace."


When I reread these words its not a far stretch to insert "George Bush" right between "Genghis Khan" and "Julius Ceasar"...

Next: Dr. King's thoughts on "hippies"...
