The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107884   Message #2241429
21-Jan-08 - 01:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: In Memory: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Subject: RE: BS: In Memory: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
And of course, it's easy beans to say it was KING who did it all, right? Ignore those nasty 60s SNCC radicals Bobert claims 60s were violent. This is KING'S day, and KING'S civil rights movement, and we don't talk about anything or anybody else, because that makes us all too uncomfortable.

BTW, it's his birth we celebrate on MLK Day, not his death. But you'd never know it from the contemporary "celebrations". At our school, we had an African drummer beating out a martial beat for the children to march to the cafeteria in silence "in honor of Dr. King". This is what King was about? Militaristic "silent marches" to a martial drumbeat?

What the hell happened to his stand against US militarism, hmmm?

This thread, just like the US celebrations taking place all over the country today, are doing a tremendous disservice to the future generations in teaching them a sanitized version of the struggle for black liberation in the US. That movement hardly began and ended with King in the 50s with desegregation laws. As Peace points out, it ain't exactly been love, peace, and equality ever since.

Anyone hear any discussions of the anti-war King today in their "rememberances"? I doubt it very much. Because the poor and working poor black community is very heavily invested in the volunteer military, and refuses to challenge the warrior hierarchy of the old warriors.

Deleting my posts is an extremely childish exercise in bullying, BTW. But hey--if that's how you want to play...