The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101088   Message #2241602
Posted By: Bobert
21-Jan-08 - 05:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views on Obama
What we need over here, Richard, above everything else is "democracy"... We don't have it... The Founding Fathres gave US a framework and meathods to keep it modern but we have failed to do juts that so instead of our system of governemnt being one that limits the powers of the majority to vamp on the minority we have slowly developed into a nation where the minority has a death grip on power...

Consider this: 18% of the population contols 51% of the Senate??? And these 18% have, in essence, allowed the US to slip and slide further down toward ruin because this 18% thinks it deserves to call the shots and call the shots they do... And juts to make matters worse, the 18% are generallty less educated and informed about the real world...

That is the US's single largest problem and until and unless it gets solved, the US will continue on it's downward slide... But fixin' it will involves the 18% to go along with the changes and they aren't about to do that...

"The South will rise again" and it has....
