The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107884   Message #2243564
24-Jan-08 - 09:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: In Memory: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Subject: RE: BS: In Memory: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
And you got it, Leadfinger--I'm envious of you realizing your dream so early in the day.

And to further clarify my own political philosophy--I've always been a non-violent resistance sort of gal, myself (if I were to use these Wiki definitions, that is), who has worked in solidarity with many a movement that advocated the use of armed struggle to achieve their people's political liberation. I personally have never advocated for armed struggle, as I don't believe it to be a more effective tactic than non-violent resistance, which I find has been most effective in 20th & 21st century politics.

In fact, I was thrilled yesterday to see Hamas blow out that wall! Now there was some mighty fine non-violent direct action, IMO. Nobody hurt, and the liberation was immediate--not to mention, a long time coming. So, while I am well aware of the gangster/criminal tactics of paramilitaries in areas of political turmoil, like Hamas, I also know their people also do a lot of really good work for their constituency. And I always ask myself first--what would I do if I was being held in an Israeli concentration camp and being deprived of life's basic necessities by a hostile military force that outguns me by a bazillion percent?