The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102519   Message #2244371
Posted By: Jon Nix
25-Jan-08 - 08:12 AM
Thread Name: UK Licensing act, 2003 - recent activity
Subject: RE: UK Licensing act, 2003 - recent activity
It is about time Stallion's comment was repeated:

"Lets face it, this legislation isn't about music it is about money, it is a tilt at the black economy, where a few quid gets passed over to a couple of performers at the end of a night and nothing is declared. Create a paper trail and it is easier to trace, like the building legislation, just about all electrical work in houses has to be reported to Building control, for that one has to be registered with a approved body, that was not to improve standards but to to stamp out the black economy. So will Gordon Brown change the legislation? Not if it has made a difference to the coffers. If someone was to make a financially advantageous case that appeals to the treasury for changing it then it may happen, otherwise, don't hold your breath."

100% right Stallion......."It's all about the money, stupid!" and us whinging and a few peers in the Lords pontificating about it ain't gonna change nothin.

If I'm wrong, I'll smash my guitar on cam and post it on U-Tube.
(I hope I'm wrong 'cos that would be great....and I need a new guitar - he he)