The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107420   Message #2245269
Posted By: GUEST,Leadbelly at the youtube vidlad
26-Jan-08 - 07:18 AM
Thread Name: Robert Johnson (animation) films at youtube
Subject: RE: Robert Johnson films at youtube
Howdy der its your old blues buddy Leadbelly cummin right at you here now I just wanna say dat o'l video thangy critter Jim Clark eees a good man,and dont deserve the sort a' abuse dat sum 'o' dem o'l Jonahs ave bin puttin out bout him lately round here so dont listen ta' a word 'o'it or um gonna get real angry,and I dont wanna end up in dat o'l penitentiary again jest getya purdy lil selves over ta' dat o'l vidlad youtube channel and dont take a blind bitta notice 'o' dem o'l sissyboy fellas who spend all der time typin snidey remarks like a cuppla dem o'l wimmin.

At dat o' vidlad youtube channel you'll se fer yourself dat ders sumfin a might more creative bein'dun dan jest usin yer puter fer bitchin at strangers.