The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108092   Message #2247080
Posted By: GUEST,Bob Ryszkiewicz
28-Jan-08 - 11:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: Staying on topic in threads.
Subject: RE: BS: Staying on topic in threads.
So this parrot is sitting in his cage, and in a few weeks, he begins shouting, "I'm bored! I'm bored! His owner buys him some toys, but the bird rejects everything. Frustrated that everytime he passes the bird, the bird keeps shouting, I'm bored!
Hoping to communicate, his owner finally asks him. All Right! What do you want?!
The parrot says, "A Pet!" So the owner goes out and buys him an anchovie for a pet. The bird immediately calms down and begins to talk to the anchovie while the owner isn't around.
They decide that they will form a band. The parrot wants to go Folk. The anchovie wants to Rock. The anchovie can sing and write, but the parrot only knows how to play the guitar, but he's pretty good.
Soon the anchovie shouts out. "Listen. I've written an album, it's from the heart and it's about how I feel, I want to call it "Slippery when Wet." Jealous at the anchovies creativity, the parrot begins to argue. "That's the most ridiculous title for an album that I have ever heard." It won't get any airplay. We need to copy the humans and come up with something like Dylan, or Gordon Lightfoot.
So an insane argument erupts with the parrot and the anchovie yelling at each other, the parrot shouting Folk!. The anchovie Rock!
This turns into a fight with feathers everywhere, and when the owner comes home, the parrot is alone in the cage with a smile on his face.
The owner asks the parrot "Where's the anchovie that I got you for a pet?"
The parrot says nothing.
The owner begins yelling at the parrot, "What happened to the anchovie?"
The parrot breaks down, and for the first time begins to talk to the owner and tells him the whole story.
The parrot tells him "Look, he wanted to Rock and I was into Folk, and, and, he had written this Rock album with a stupid title I didn't like, and I was willing to compromise, but he wouldn't listen. I had this great name for the group, but he didn't like it, so we fought and, and, ..."
The owner asks the parrot, what was the name you came up with?
The parrot tearfully blurts out, "Bon Chovie", then I ate him, boo hoo hoo....
There there, the owner responds, what's done is done.
Hey, the owner says, now that you have started to talk, how about a slice of nice hot garlic pizza? The parrot takes his first bite and says to the owner, "you know what this would have been great with...?" The owner replies, "Pepperoni?".
And so the moral of the story is "one man's Bon-Chovie is another man's Pepperoni," Or you could always go for Chinese...