The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108092   Message #2248262
Posted By: GUEST,Bob Ryszkiewicz
29-Jan-08 - 07:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: Staying on topic in threads.
Subject: RE: BS: Staying on topic in threads.
Party? Did you say party? You mean you don't remember that party we went to when you pledged your undying LOVE? After the copius amounts of liquid refreshment? Sherbrooke St. 1970. Draft at ten cents a glass? Think back, it started when you dressed up in that psycho multicolored native outfit. You even brought a spear with you. HA HA HA What a guy...
You remember we stopped in that Dep run by the weird Arab guy to pick up a 6-pack in case we ran out? We had a garlic and anchovy pizza with that black chick, so she wanted to pick up some breath mints for us. So sweet. I wonder what ever happened to her? That was before you changed your name. I still have the video...

Affended? Yes. I will always be your afendi...

See? Isn't it wunnerful that people can communicate with each other? Like on this thread. Each one LISTENING and then respectfully commenting?
