The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108209   Message #2249032
Posted By: Azizi
30-Jan-08 - 05:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: Political Chants Wanted {Maybe}
Subject: BS: Political Chants Wanted {Maybe}
Democratic candidate for USA President Senator Barack Obama energises crowds with the call & response slogan "Fired Up!" Ready To Go". The Obama campaign also uses the slogan "Yes We Can!"
{"Si Se Puede!"}.

You probably knew this. But do you know what call & response or unison slogan/s Democratic candidate for President Senator Hillary Clinton uses? I can't think of any.

And what about the Republican Presidential contenders, what chants-if any-do they use?

Maybe the reason why I {and you?} can't think of any chants that are readily associated with these campaigns is because they don't have any.

Well, if that's the case, that's a low down, cryin' shame.
How can they energize their base and get their message out, and recruit more supporters {meaning "voters"} without chants?

[Okay there are other ways to do those things, but stay with me here.]

I'm hereby puttin out a call to Mudcatters to come to the rescue of CWS {campaigns without slogans}.

There's lots of creative people here. How 'bout some of you guys and gals helping these campaigns out?

WWHC {What would Hillary Chant?} or what would her supporters chant?

And WWMC {What would McCain Chant?}

WWRC {What would Romney Chant?}

And what about other American politicians from today and yesterday? What, for instance, could George Bush chant if he wants to motivate his base? [What base you say? Well, I'm being hypothetical here]

Of course, since Mudcat is an international forum, feel free to offer suggestions of chants for current and former politicians from other nations. However, if you think that the names of non-American politicians may not be recognizable to low-knowledge Americans such as me, please include the country where they're from.

And if you offer a suggestion for a political chant, please keep your suggestions [reasonably] politically correct? Thanks.

So, I ask you- can we come up with some great {or at least witty} chants for politicians? Yes We Can!


Thanks for your participation in this thread!