The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108266   Message #2251274
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
02-Feb-08 - 04:53 AM
Thread Name: BS: Silbury Hill
Subject: RE: BS: Silbury Hill
There was a Time Team Special about it on TV in the UK over the Christmas period - at least, I'm pretty sure Tony Robinson was bouncing around it in his usual fashion.... regardless of who was there, there was definately a TV archeology special about the hill and the dig was done last summer. I suspect the news report was delayed to a) fill in a slow news week or b) so people wouldn't get all snooty about "digging up Silbury". In fact, it was more a rescue mission as a wet summer was in danger of helping the tunnel network collapse in on itself and destroy the shape of the hill. The tunnels date back themselves over several hundred years.

The programme was very interesting, giving all the historical and logical reasons for having the hill as a 'bandstand' - it's amazing just how far the noise from those primitive instruments carried, and as a beacon it was visible for miles. Just wish I'd thought to record it.... :(