The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108252   Message #2251441
Posted By: Rockhen
02-Feb-08 - 10:00 AM
Thread Name: Pianos In Folk Music
Subject: RE: Pianos In Folk Music
I think it depends on the the piano player and whether the piano is in tune. In my humble opinion, as a player of the said wonderful instrument, if you notice the piano,too much, if being used to accompany a vocalist or is not being played sensitively. It is an art to accompany someone.

If played with other instruments to be part of a band for example, it CAN drown everyone out.. but so can many other instruments. I know some fiddle players, for example, who have to always take the lead and play it just a touch too loud. I also know those who play sensitively and know just when it is ok to go off on a solo and when to hold back. Same with accordions, which I also play, (Hey! How unpopular can I make myself? Lol!)...and guitarists etc etc.

I think a piano is seen as an instrument not available to all, so is viewed with resentment by some, and that has contributed to its unpopularity with some but that would be the subject of another thread. If folk music is music of folk, I think it shouldn't be exclusive to certain instruments.