The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107818 Message #2251539
Posted By: GUEST
02-Feb-08 - 11:48 AM
Thread Name: seeking: Time and Tune/Singing Together recording
Subject: RE: seeking: Time and Tune/Singing Together recording
I recenty found the last five minutes of a Singing Together Broadcast from the the early 80's I think it may even be Autumn Term 1980 - the programme was presented by Stephen Varcoe. It includes 2 verses of The Hopak then after the closing announcement a complete performance of Reap the Flax with solos from Andrew Shore and Stephen Varoce.
My collection of broadcasts begins with Autumn 1984 - with every broadcast until the early 90's. The first collection of songs includes The Fox, The Yellow Rose of Texas, Killy of Coleraine and Cosher Bailey - the programmes are presented by Andrew Shore.