The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107407   Message #2251806
Posted By: Mrrzy
02-Feb-08 - 04:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: Still no gods 2008 (continued)
Subject: RE: BS: Still no gods 2008 (continued)
Well, I don't do the lacy furbelows, but I have no objection to celebrating the passage of the seasons, one more step in the turn of the wheel that is the metaphor for an orbit, and so on. I also like the idea of celebrating particular human virtues at particular parts of the orbit - like giving presents at the Winter Solstice, and thinking good thoughts about crops and farmers at the beginning of Spring... nothing SACRED about it, but nice, fun, and real.

And as an aside to Nickhere, we are the only species that has voluntary, recreational (in contrast to involuntary and procreative) sex, so of COURSE we're the only ones to end unwanted pregnancies. The concept, ha ha, cannot arise in any other species. That along with likely being the only species intelligent enough to even connect sex with procreation (I'll reserve judgment on elephants and cetaceans).

And we aren't supposed to be more ELEVATED - we aren't higher to start with. That is a fallacy based on the old "ladder" of evolution with people at the "top." We are just supposed to be more MORAL than other species, and many would argue that it is more immoral to force an unwanted pregnancy to term than to terminate it.