The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108286   Message #2252028
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
02-Feb-08 - 08:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Clinton/Obama too close, McCain surging
Subject: RE: BS: Clinton/Obama too close, McCain surging
I have several relatives (in-laws mostly, thank the powers that be) in the Air Force. All of them are staunch Bush supporters whose votes will go to McCain or Romney. Of their families, mine is the only one for Clinton or Obama.

Like GG, and the CNN polls, I expect a close one.

I'd like threads combined, too, Firth. I find only three by GG and one of these (FL primary) is about dead because it is over and has been milked dry. Amos has started more (surprise) but the subject is important to a lot of us armchair politicos.

A cover title now could be, "Feb 5th- "Speculation, Results and Post-mortem." One thread for each party.