The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108314 Message #2252542
Posted By: GUEST,flyingcat
03-Feb-08 - 02:37 PM
Thread Name: cmr /belshazzers feast concert 9th Feb
Subject: cmr /belshazzers feast concert 9th Feb
That amazing venue "the Cause" in Chippenham is the setting for what will be a not to be missed conert on sat 9th Feb. On the bill are Craig, Morgan, Robson,(can't really say too much about them cause I'm Biased) and the absolutely fantastic Belshazzers Feast. if you haven't heard them then you must and if you have,then you know what you'll be missing if you don't come. It'll be a great night,proceeds to chippenham festival. Tickets can be obtained from the cause itself. 42 The Causeway Chippenham, SN15 3DD 01249 446893
or from bob berry at
Sorry, tried to do the blue clicky thing and failed.